About Us

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Champs is a nursery that aims to provide your child with an environment full of knowledge, fun and thrilling activities through dancing classes, ethics, practical life skills, drawing and cooking classes etc…. We aim to create a second home for your child where he/she can feel safe as well as raising a generation that truly believes in the power of learning & its pros.

➢ Encourage children to socialize & be connected to each other.
➢ Create a well-organized knowledgeable environment.
➢ Spread the positive energy around by letting them dance, draw & feel theharmony of colors which promotes their artistic sense.
➢ Let the children learn how to respect each other’s opinion without violating
each other.
➢ Identify their points of strength & weakness so that we can help
them develop in a better way.
➢ Develop the habit of sharing & co-operating with each other.


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Basically, our curriculum is based on jolly phonics (for teaching letters), and each month we have a different theme (based on our reference source “THE GIANT ENCYCLOPEDIA”) and there are many activities related to the theme & this reference book is recommended by many teachers & specialists all over the world.

We also teach Fine motor skills to let your child know how to use his hands with his brain as well as Growth motor skills.

And most importantly we teach them lessons for their everyday life that’s why we have the “practical life “session where we explain to the kid things he/she’ll be using throughout their lives like hygiene matters and food arts like how to eat with spoons & forks and how to tie his/her shoes, etc..

In addition to the manners & ethics classes, and EACH DAY we have Arabic classes and Quran classes.


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