All About Mom👩

Mommy and Daddy
Basma, Ahmed and sophie ❤

To an extent, every day is Mother’s Day. Mother is the one who gets up earliest in the morning. 🌅She’s the one who cooks🍳 and coaxes the rest of the house into eating. She’s the source of order and affection❤️️. She’s the number one destination whenever anything good or bad happens. We act with the certainty that Mother will always be there. Where else would she go? She’s Mom. And then once a year, a day comes that is all about Mom. A day when she can expect a word of thanks, where the entire world unites give her the acknowledgement and honor she’s due. In today’s world, businesses clamor to make Mother’s Day all about them. It’s too easy to lose the very essence of this day in the whirlwind of sales and discounts pulling our families’ attention in an attempt to make a profit. So how can we reclaim Mother’s day? How can we save it from the monopoly of thousands of channels seeking to drain our families’ pockets?

Teach by example

Many parents👪 tend to forget how diligently our little ones pay attention to the things we say and do. Children learn a lot by imitation, and the principles we ingrain in their behavior at this tender stage of development act as a nucleus for their budding personalities. So why not take this chance to show our kids how we’d like to be cherished by showing love and respect to the mother figures in our lives? This Mother’s Day, take your little ones to visit your mother👩, mother-in-law👵or aunt. Ask your kids’ opinions on what presents to buy for them and discuss their importance in your life with them. Even a phone call to a distant relative within the child’s hearing will make a valuable lesson.

Recruit Dad to the cause

Surprise presents are nice, but the surest way to get something you actually want is by telling your Hubbie. Dad👨 is usually the first person kids go to for advice on what to get Mom👩. Soon, he and then your little Champs👦👩 will get the hang of what makes you happy. 😁

Make a day of it

Plan a special day just for you and your little ones. Take them window-shopping. Go sightseeing. Get matching Henna drawings from Moez street and upload a story to Instagram. It needn’t drain your purse, but make sure to do something you’ll both enjoy. Better yet, make it a family tradition. Plant the idea that Mother’s Day is one to look forward to and pretty soon they’ll be competing to make it special for you.

Show them the fruit of their labor

Tape the simple card they made you at Day Care where you can brag about it to guests. Put on the blouse they got you and take them for fruit juice or ice-cream🍦🍨. If the frame they made clashes with the colors of your sitting room, then just use a magnet to fix it to the fridge.

Pretend every Mother’s Day gift is a movie where your little one is actor, producer and director

It’s paramount to show through both words and action that you acknowledge the work they put into a present for you. Multiply your original reaction by a hundred!😆😲😂 While thanking the Hubbie 👨 who paid 💸for the present or the nursery teacher whose idea the card was, make sure your little one isn’t within the vicinity.
Be confident your kids do cherish you, though they may not always know how to show it. As with everything else about motherhood, the initial stage takes some work from you. But if you do it right, if you learn how to push your little ones’ buttons, they’ll grow into interdependent adults with just the right amount of reverence and appreciation for you