Preschool Program

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We have toddlers class(1.5y to 2.3y), juniors class (2.3y to 3y), Preschool class (3y to 4 y).

We offer :

      • PE, music, art & crafts classes.

      • Quran & Arabic classes.

      • Dancing & cooking classes.

      • Ethics & manners classes.

      • Practical life skills classes.

      • Weekly doctor visit from City Clinic.

      • Parenting courses.

      • Three healthy daily meals that are homemade and enriched with vitamins (Breakfast, lunch and snack).

      • Parties, fun days, and other entertainment programs.

      • Licensed place that is supervised by the social affairs entity.

Age: 1.5 Years to 4 Years.

 Price: 5880L.E.       

