Types of Parents Attitude To Each Other & Its Effect On Kids

Generally, your parenting style can greatly affect everything from your child’s weight to their feelings about themselves. It’s necessary to make sure your parenting style supports healthy growth and development since the way you interact with your child and how you discipline him will affect the rest of his life.

There Are 4 Types Of Parenting Styles:

  • Uninvolved
  • Authoritarian
  • Permissive
  • Authoritative

Each style takes a distinctive method of raising the child and is distinguished by a number of different features.

1-   Uninvolved Parenting

How can you be an uninvolved parent? Well, it’s simple! You don’t know where your kids are, whether they’ve been to school or not, and you don’t spend time with them.

Simply, they think that their children can raise and take care of themselves without their help! But, actually uninvolved parents care more about their careers and personal life neglecting their kids.

Is it always intentional that parents act like that?

Let’s be honest, it’s not always intentional. Parents can neglect their kids because of certain mental health or substance abuse problems. So, these types of parents won’t be able to give their kids the type of attention they need emotionally or physically.

Some other cases parents aren’t well educated and don’t know how to treat kids. Other times, parents are consumed with work problems, paying the rent, bills, and keeping up with the household.

2-   Authoritative Parenting

Basically, if you’re the type of parent who has a set of ground rules and uses the consequences then, you’re definitely an authoritative parent.

Does that mean you disregard your kid’s feelings? No, not at all.

You can be authoritative while considering your kids’ opinions and feelings. But, at the same time, you’re making it clear to the kids that the parents are the ones in charge because they know best.

An authoritative parent focuses on investing time and energy for their kids to prevent ant behavioral problems.

Is being an authoritative parent bad?

No, you can combine authority with positive reinforcements towards good behavior and create a reward system.

3-   Authoritarian Parenting

If you’re the type of parent who says “Because I said so” when your kid asks you the reason behind a certain rule you have, then you’re authoritarian parents.

So, there’s a difference between authoritative and authoritarian parents. Authoritative take into consideration their kids’ opinions and respect their feelings while promoting a positive environment.

Authoritarian parents don’t care about what their kids think or try and negotiate the rules with them; they just focus on obedience without explanation.

4-   Permissive Parenting

Finally, if you’re the type of parent who tells their kids “I’m your friend, you can share anything with me” and play the “friend role” rather than just the “parent role”, then you’re a permissive parent.

Permissive parents usually encourage their kids to open up, talk, and discuss their problems and solve them in a friendly way. Sometimes, it’s bad because permissive parents may not be focusing on discouraging poor behavior or choices of their kids.

Now, you know the 4 types of attitude parent and how it affects your children and their behavior.

Which type of parent are you? Share with us in the comments below and you can always get in touch with us to discuss your child’s behavior as well as parents’ attitude. Surely, we’ll work together on the best solution for you and your kids.